That's why I am going to share with you my most important manners !

1. Always be in time !
As a gentleman,it is very important to be punctual.
If you meet someone at 20:00, be there at 19:50 !
2. Paying on a date !

BUT... If your date asks to split it,do it ! Don't refuse her,you don't want to insult her and make her feel like she can't pay for her.
So if she insists, accept it !
3.Saying "Please" and "Thank you" !
This may seem obvious ,but being polite will make you look 10x better and your gentleman image would be visibly improved.
Say "please" when you ask for a coffee and "thank you" when you receive it. It's really that simple !
4.Take responsibility for your actions !

5.Keep your phone in your pants !
While on a date or a boys night out or a dinner it is very rude to stay on your phone !
6.Don't fight !
With your fists or your mouth !
A gentleman must learn the art of the conversation and calmly resolve his problems ! If someone yells at you,don't act like him, be a gentleman and give him your arguments nicely !
7.Don't eat like an animal !
Please don't be that guy that chews with his mouth opened !
8.Don't judge a book by it's cover !
A gentleman will always give everyone a chance to prove their worth !
9.Hold the door !
A gentleman will always hold the door for a girl !
This doesn't mean that you should close the door into another man's face !
10.Don't catcall !
A gentleman would never catcall a girl and I said enough with that !
11.Don't curse in public !
This doesn't mean that is forbidden to swear,but do it at home ! I mean,I know the instinct you have when you hit your little finger...
12.Go to a party with a gift !
It is a good idea to bring a gift to the host,even if they said that it is not really necessary !
13.Write your invitations by hand !
Let's say you are having a dinner party and you want to invite some of your friends. The first instinct is to send them a text message,but wait ! Write your invitations by hand. This way,you are showing people that you really want them to come !
14.Don't brag !
Not about money, brag about your family,about your girlfriend or children,but never about the money.
It is very important in life to have money,but if you really have them, don't make the people near you to feel like they don't value something !
15.Be a gentleman with everyone !
Don't act like you know everything and don't act like you are better than everyone !
If you really are better than everyone you will know not to act like a snob !
This are some of the manners I am guiding by every single day ! I believe that you can't really be a gentleman without acting like one !
I want to congratulate you now, because now you know how to dress and how to act like a real gentleman ! I am really proud of you !
Thank you for reading my article,have an amazing day !
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Hello there, apologies I only came across this today some 6 years after you posted. Just wanted to say your rules on manners are impeccable. A lovely read and values I too try to uphold and cherish.